2013年3月21日 星期四

Wisdom made ​​broad communication power supply

communication power is the use of the modern power electronics technology, using a power semiconductor device as a switch, and by controlling the switching transistor turn on and off the time ratio (duty ratio), adjusting the output voltage, to maintain a stable output of a power supply. Early as in the 1980s, computer power supply the full realization of the communication switch, the first to complete the computer power and updating communication switch into the 1990s has been widely used in a variety of electronic and electrical equipment, program-controlled switchboards, communications, power and control of power testing equipment device power being. After 30 years of development, China's communication switch industry has formed its own complete industrial chain. According to the China Power Supply Society statistics, over one thousand domestic product communication switch. http://www.gridtieinverter.de/

communication electronic power supply main categories of products, due to its small and light weight, power density / high conversion efficiency, wide input voltage range, heat consumption is less and so many more advantages and benefits from the thin electronic products short of demand trends, the rapid development, the popularity rapidly replacing linear power in a variety of electronic products in the field. According to data collected by the China Power Supply Society, 2008 National Communication Switch (consists mainly of consumer communication switch, industrial communication switches, communications, power supply, PC power supply) output value reached 85.5 billion yuan, 93.1 billion yuan in 2009power inverter, an increase of 8.8%; in 2010 reached 102.7 billion yuan, an increase of 10.3%. Breakdown of communication switching applications, occupy the entire industry output share the industrial class communication switch, the output value of the industry-wide in 2010 accounted for 56%, the second largest consumer communication switch, accounted for 32%, communication communications to switch accounting for 6%, accounting for 3% of the PC communication switch.

energy saving communication switch to force home appliances "Chi" rigged
appliances intelligent of
, as today's home appliance industry green, energy saving other trends, it is along with energy saving technological transformation of the home appliance industry has targeted, tends to be more humane philosophy upgrade interpretations. The smart concept, only analog certain ability, enabling their own performance, self-improvement, to achieve a certain need of mankind, this is a real smart home appliances, communication switch industry to join, but also to the home appliance industry, "Chi" made to give more force.
With the continuous development of the technological level of the upstream components and key technologies, communication switching technology in the past 30 years has made rapid development. 1980s, the technical difficulties of late, the communication cost of the switch and the control circuit problems are overcome, it has quickly grown into the mainstream products in the power supply. Under the influence of the policy environment, energy saving, high efficiency, energy saving has become the development direction of power products, the power enterprise technology upgrade in terms of design, materialsGrid tie inverter, processes, etc., in the emerging field of intelligent digital TV, LED, IT applications will appear in the trend of steady growth and bring greater market space for China's telecommunications switching industry, and continue to maintain a rapid development.
from 2004-2010
according the internationally renowned investigation agency DATABEANS statistics, the annual global communications switch market sales has maintained an average of about 15% of the rate of growth, to about $ 12 billion in sales in 2010, including consumer electronics class power, the power of the field of communications and industrial power in the field of market share of the top three, the market size of $ 3.5 billion, $ 3.4 billion, $ 2.5 billion.

enhance service competitiveness to achieve efficient communication switch industry composite growth
communication power products model is very general businesses can not gain an advantage in each market segment, in addition to the power adapter and phone charger standardized products highly competitive lower margins, each enterprise has its main market segments, and actively explore new areas to be able to get a better profit margin. Communication switch industry to expand sales channels to participate in trade shows, mutual Recommended professional print media industry website promotion and customer quality customer resources is the most direct expression of the strength of enterprises. Strength of the large power enterprises basically started from OEM to ODM transformation of research and development to provide customers with one-stop service designed to processing, these corporate brand has a certain reputation in the industry, to get customers in product quality and research and development capabilities. recognized, and has the ability to have internal functional design and product design.
Power Institute of China and ICTresearch forecast that the Chinese power industry output in 2015 will reach 215.6 billion yuan, 187.5 billion yuan output value of China's telecommunications switch. In 2011-2015, the average annual compound growth of 13.39%. There will be more and more of the overall product manufacturers to outsource custom power business, excellent external professional team to undertake its business to focus on their core business, to reduce costs, improve efficiency and enhance core competitiveness of enterprises and external links resilience. In the trend, there will be more OEM / ODM manufacturers service as their own competitiveness.

This article is from the: http://www.12vgridtiepowerinverters.com/
