2013年3月7日 星期四

Countries to support large-scale petrochemical

It is understood that the National Development and Reform Commission "further promote the implementation of the program of large-scale petrochemical equipment" discussion paper has been issued to the oil, petrochemical and other large petrochemical state-owned enterprises.  http://www.gridtieinverter.de/

 "program" a detailed list of prohibited imports and restricting imports of petrochemical products and equipment catalog to give domestic equipment to support and preferential policiesGrid tie inverter, and in the first set of equipment to use, major equipment procurement management. Not long ago, the Ministry of Finance also introduced for specific policies for the implementation of the first purchase made to promote independent innovation products in government procurement. These policies were introduced, marked in June 2006, the State Council held in Xi'an speed up the revitalization of the equipment manufacturing industry work conference, China's government-backed major technologies and equipment entered a substantive stage.
domestic equipment industry market at an average annual 75 billion yuan
large-scale petrochemical equipment is determined by the state focus on the development of 16, one of major technical equipment. The discussion paper proposed the "Eleventh Five-Year" period, the goal of domestic petrochemical equipment to achieve 75%.
It is understood, it is the domestic demand for petrochemical equipment most exuberant stage. The new refinery in China has basically reached the scale of 800-1000 million tons of new ethylene project reach 80-100 million tons. The experts said, in accordance with this goal, each year 100 billion yuan in the national petrochemical industry equipment demand, China's equipment manufacturing industry will have a market of 75 billion yuan.

basic introduction of foreign advanced technology for large-scale petrochemical projects in China, domestic equipment difficult reality to participate in the bidding, discussion paper from the source of large petrochemical equipment, grabbed from the tender part, the provisions of the new projects in the petrochemical enterprise To submit a list of equipment. Which country has the capabilities to produce and promote the use of equipment, are prohibited imports; localization ability, but also promote the use of the government through tax policy to restrict imports.
discussion paper proposed ban on imports of equipment hydrocracking reactor :80-200 tons, 70 tons of cracked gas compressor and 300,000 tons of propylene compressor. 100 million tons of cracked gas compressor and propylene compressor, air compressors and other equipment of the 60 million tons of PTA as restricting imports.
pushing major technology and equipment
In the interview, Dr. Zhang Xiaofeng, deputy general manager of Beijing Eno Wei Sen Technology Co., Ltd. engaged in large-scale petrochemical engineering contracting believe the design and manufacture of petrochemical equipment manufacturing capacity has reached a considerable scale and technical level, most petrochemical equipment are able to design and manufacture some of the equipment has reached the international advanced level. The refining equipment localization rate of 90%power inverter; annual production capacity of 300,000 tons of ethylene and equipment localization rate reached more than 80%; localization the PTA unit part of the equipment realized. This change largely over-reliance on imports of the situation of China's petrochemical outfit. The ethylene core equipment also made a breakthrough, and start the application, no need to repeat introduction.
According to reports, Maoming Petrochemical annual output of 1 million tons of ethylene, ethylene cracking gas compressor, cold box, key equipment, a total of 510 units, 448 domestic manufacturing, the localization rate of 87.8%, and pioneered the use of domestic technology and the record of the equipment at home. Shenyang Blower Works as the Maoming Petrochemical developed stand-alone capacity of 64 million tons / year cracked gas compressor run unit performance has reached the international advanced level, the end of the passive situation of ethylene cracking gas compressor must rely on imports.
discussion paper also explicitly relying on key projects, promoting the localization of the major technologies and equipment. Currently, the the the State Key relying engineering megaton large ethylene project in Zhenhai, Tianjin and Fushun. For these projects the government departments concerned will take precedence approval, giving priority to the budgetary funds into the capital, interest subsidies, subsidies, and other forms of support.

refining, director of the China Petroleum Planning and Engineering Institute Zhang Fuqin, large-scale petrochemical equipment is imperative the Government to issue preferential policies to motivate users to use domestically produced equipment. From the current situation, China has basically synchronized and the world refinery production technology, advanced production technology of domestic have already mastered, or even slightly better than the foreign, the basic equipment required to design and manufacture. Ethylene plant continuous large-scale, difficult to localization of key equipment.
Zhang Fuqin to accelerate the large-scale ethylene and equipment and the process of industrialization, we must increase the enterprise technology innovation, key technologies and equipment breakthroughs in key areas across the development.

This article is from the:http://www.12vgridtiepowerinverters.com/                           
