2013年3月11日 星期一

Federation of network information system delegation.

16 to 30 November 2002, Song Xiaogang, deputy secretary general of the China Machinery Industry Federation, headed by Mao Xin, director of the China Machinery Industry Information Center, the deputy head of the Network Information System Study Tour to Europe examined . Statistical Information Department of the China Machinery Industry Federation, the office, the China Machinery Industry Information Center, China Machinery Industry Economic Information Network, China Electrical Equipment Industrial Association and the China Instrument Association is responsible for the information network system, and the Federation of LAN, development and application of office automation systems responsible for a total of seven people took part in the expedition.
this visit foreign countries for the purpose is a combination of one of the priorities of the Federation of Industry, development and application of ongoing construction machinery industry information network system, and the Federation of LAN and office automation systems, study or European countries, industry and enterprise experience in the development and application of network application technology; via the Internet industry in statistical work practice experience; enterprise Internet application status, such as network marketing, e-commerce; industry associations in the promotion, to promote the role of enterprise network applications and take measures; via the Internet industry in statistical work practice experience. The focus is on the actual experience of the industrial network applications and explore ways of cooperation in the information network system to promote the cooperation and development of industries and enterprises of both sides.
trip visits and exchanges of major companies, institutions: Sweden, Ericsson Group headquarters and its latest Internet products and Exhibition Centre; Finnish Metal, Engineering and Electrotechnical Federation; Electrical and Electronic Industry Federation of Finland; Finland Information Community Development Center; of Finland ANLINKER network company; Vienna city government network management center; French e-commerce and Internet applications Association.
visit exchanges:
1, study visit to Sweden, Ericsson Group.
Per-Olof Bjork,
Ericsson Group, market director of the Ministry of Cooperation and Development Mr. Ericsson's development history, overview, and cooperation with China. April 1, 1876, Mr. Ericsson and his colleagues Anderson registered together called "pull. Mechanical horse. Ericsson repair" companies, the development of today's telecommunications market, the world's leading group of companies from a rented kitchen Ericsson will always adhere to the three spirit and values: professional spirit, respect for love and sincerity and perseverance, has been committed to technological innovation and global-oriented service concept, plot the company's 126 years of practical experience, to become today's telecommunications market, the world's leading group of companies. Ericsson's global sales revenue last year was $ 32 billion, accounting for about 1/8 to 1/9 of the full Swedish GNP. Its annual R & D expenses of not less than 16% of its sales, research and development cost of over 40 billion U.S. dollars last year. Ericsson's cooperation with China for nearly a hundred years of history, as early as in 1902, the Qing government of China had sent its Board of Rites Minister as the head of the delegation traveled to Sweden to examine Ericsson. Ericsson research investment in China this year, to $ 290 million, a total of more than 400 R & D staff, next year will increase to more than $ 572 million. The the Ericsson Business Development and Business Strategy Department manager Mr. Anders Fryklöf, accompanied by then the delegation visited its headquarters the dynamic the World Showcase (Creative World Exhibition) and next year's upcoming Internet the latest products and technologies, and made a live demonstration. Delegation to experience the latest technology and products of Ericsson research and development of mobile Internet services. As the world's leading communications provider, Ericsson in the integration of mobile and Internet technology innovation, and open a new era of mobile Internet. Its latest development of the "mobile Internet" Mobile Internet to set wireless Internet communications and wireless communication in one, independent of time, place restrictions anytime, anywhere access to the Internet to receive, browse, find and send information, the application of the technology, can build the direct liaison enterprise communication platform to further expand the range of applications of the Internet, the time and space to make Internet applications more convenient.
2, Confederation of Finnish metal, engineering and electrical technology; Finnish Confederation of electrical and electronics industry, Finland Information Community Development Center, Anilinker e-commerce company exchanges.
Finnish Metal, Engineering and Electrical Technology Federation international business to promote the general manager Ms. Merja Lattila, Mr. Leo Laaksonen, vice chairman of the Federation of electrical and electronics industry in Finland, Finland Information Community Development Center, Ms. Helena Roine-Taylor, Finland anilinker e-commerce Company Commercial Director Mr. Jukka-Pekka Iivarinen to the delegation of Finnish Metal, Engineering and Electrotechnical, electronic technology industry, the development status of the Finnish IT technology, enterprise information technology and e-commerce applications, the rapid development of the B to B network and data exchange and other aspects of the introduction and extensive exchanges and discussions on relevant issues.
Finnish metal, engineering and electrical technology Federation is one of Finland's largest trade organizations, industry and enterprise services-oriented, direct industry and corporate membership of 1,150, 15,000 indirect members, covering the Finnish metal, machinery sales of member companies and 90% of the electrical, electronic, industrial enterprises, accounting for 90% of the sales of the same industry in the country. The Federation consists of four major departments. Commerce Ministry of the Environment, the main business of industrial policy, technological innovation, the environmentGrid tie inverter, industry cooperation, training, branch development and management; Relations Department of the industry, the main business of "blue collar collective agreement", the white leader of the collective agreement, the economic and statistical services, education and regional institutions; business network, its main business, including international cooperation and commercial law, industrial publications, Federation Standard (MET Standards) and inter-regional cooperation; financial and administrative department, including financial services, information management operations and member services, personnel and administrative management.
Information Network, Finnish Metal, Engineering and Electrotechnical Federation by the Federation's website, mainly based on the needs of our members, industry and businesses to provide both common and personalized service. The content is divided into the open to the public and to members of two parts, the statistics service member units, periodic summary of economic data, publicly available industry information, while also providing customized information services for specific user groups . Federation members can enjoy after further analysis of the statistical information services and enter the member area.
Finland Information Community Development Center is a promotion and social promotion of Internet applications, the set of network application technology development, promotion and training as one of the community organizations. To promote the application of the Internet of the whole society, the center launched a set of "information highway driving license" qualification and training system, using an object depending on the Internet, through its training and qualification examinations, obtain the corresponding "driver's license" . Is divided into three, mainly primary for the elderly and children, enabling them to learn the general Internet applications; Intermediate mainly for the general public, so that they can more skilled master the application of computers and the Internet, to accommodate the development of network technology and respective jobs and the needs of daily life; Advanced Certificate for professionals engaged in the development of network technology, through professional training qualification. Obtain different levels of driving license, "the staff of the" information superhighway, easier to find work. Carry out the work of the Internet application certification and training the Finnish society computer and Internet applications has risen significantly, has been recognized by the community and the support of the Government of Finland. Finland, this approach also in other European countries have begun to promote.
anilinker e-commerce company is Finland's largest international B to B e-commerce platform, currently has more than 500 companies use the platform for 1500 a number of purchases or sales, of which 1/3 of the worldwide 20 foreign enterprises in many countries, including China Nantong Marine Parts Co., Ltd. and Dalian Marine Parts Co., Ltd.. The company's production data management, multi-channel system (PDM-multichannel) to ERP and PDM interface with customers of different standards and protocols, online purchases and sales from accepting an order, order confirmation, delivery period forecast, the delivery period to confirm , cargo tracking, billing, quality assurance of goods (join anilinker system on product standards and quality certification body) all aspects of control, effectively improve the efficiency of procurement and sales. Companies doing business on the platform should have their own ERP and PDM systems, and the overall business environment, such as corporate credit system, product quality certification system, standard system requirements.
3, the visits of the Vienna municipal government computer network management center
accompanied by Mr. Wiesinger, director of the Office of the Vienna municipal international cooperation, the delegation visited visited the the Vienna municipal government computer network management center. Center project leader of Wilmersdorf, Mr. and experts the municipal information the NMS ---- geographic information system (Geographic Information System). The system is a set of topographic map of the urban areas and the various underlying database as one of the municipal integrated information management system. From 1970 to establish the underlying database, run officially began in 1995, every street, every building in the city on the map, with the appropriate database links to achieve street topographic maps, residents of Computer Management to achieve the municipal administration to connect directly with the public through the network. Any click in the urban chart street, the street width, length, material and color of the shop floor, the open space of the greenery of the planning situation, the unit to which he belongs, the resident households and underground piping. building design and structure maps can be found. Both foreign tourists and local residents, can be set up in the public occasions terminal or home computer connected to the Internet easily find around all kinds of facilities, such as hospitals, rescue center information. Municipal, community management network and applied to each household a model. Greatly facilitate the municipal government planning aspects of the work of the municipal maintenance, and resident management, fire fighting, disaster relief and other emergency treatment, to improve the efficiency and level of municipal management.
1, exchanges with the French e-commerce and Internet Services Association
delegation last exchange with the French e-commerce and Internet Services Association. Association Secretary-General, Mr. Gerard Ladoux Association of the basic situation and Internet application of French companies. Corporate member of the association of more than 200, including the production and sale of the company, the network of information technology and network equipment suppliers and some law firms. Two parts, one of the main tasks of the Association according to the needs of industry, business and government sectors, to study some of the common problems of Internet applications and e-commerce, such as the millennium bug problem, the French high-speed network construction, the problem of junk mailing, web-based information security issues, network payment mode issues; promote enterprise e-commerce and Internet applications. Regularly online, announced to the government and the social situation and the application of the results of the French industry enterprise network applications, provide a reference for the Government to formulate the corresponding decision-making; research on some common issues to resolve difficulties in network applications, technical applications of the enterprise information network help; using the forum, and the enormous economic and social benefits of the lectures in the form of corporate propaganda network applications, promote and expand the range of applications of the network in the enterprise. According to Mr. Ladoux, France more than 50 companies have 100% own site, and only the site as a promotional window barely, for the conduct of e-commerce and corporate internal information exchange. The whole of France is very popular Internet applications, 37.5 percent of households have at least one computer, and 480,000 families installed ADSL 200,000 families into the fiber optic cable, the Internet home of the annual growth rate of more than 22%, the country of more than 1 / 3 people every day at least once online, 34% of people purchase items on the Internet in 2002, 124% higher than in 2001, more than 12 million people online ordering. http://www.gridtieinverter.de/
two visits experience and Suggestions:
1, the wholepower inverter, higher penetration and application level network information system used in European countries, and is currently still in the network information system application period of rapid growth. Such as France's Internet home is still an annual growth rate of more than 22% growth; the Vienna municipal NMS comprehensive municipal geographic information, buildings, streets, urban underground pipe network information, fire, medical, emergency ambulance information, residents information integrated into municipal NMS access via the Internet to the families, the degree of refinement management training and qualification of each household, the streets of the color of the ground material, material; Finland Information Community Development Centre launched the "information highway driving license", from access to specialized, have begun to be promoted in Europe to promote the level of use of the Internet in the whole society.
information network application of
our community is still in its infancy, can learn from the experience in the development community information network system, in particular to strengthen the basis for data collection, collation and electronic the the Vienna municipal network system from the 1970s The start data accumulated to the network in 1995 and formally put into operation, with their long-term focus on the basis of data collecting and collating inseparable. Enhancing the use of training is to promote the network application to another important aspect of the training and qualification of Finland Information Community Development Center launched the "information highway driving license, we should study and draw. Initiated intermediary organizations, government support, and eventually get recognized by the community. She said he was willing introduced to their practices, experiences in Finland Information Community Development Center, Helena Roine-Taylor Ms. exchange,.
2. Terms of European industry, in addition to information dissemination through information networks, contact, image advertising, corporate pay more attention and, even more important is to carry out network marketing or B to B and other electronic enterprise ERP (enterprise resource planning) systems Business business, especially in cooperation with foreign countries, to reach the purpose to reduce the costs of the international expansion of international business. Sized companies in France, more than 50 people have been using the Internet to conduct e-commerce or marketing. Finland ANILINKER network company by ANI NETWORK system, more than 500 companies have been connected, over 1500 business processes (procurement and sales), In addition, there are more than 200 new company is in the testing phase of the connection.
According to the survey, as of July 2002 more than 5 million yuan of annual income of China's machinery industry enterprises currently have a website or page business only 21.3%, while the real for the network business is less than 10%, Compared with European countries there is a considerable gap. If we do not catch up with the trend of the information network applications, it is possible to lose the ability to participate in international competition and the opportunities for international cooperation. How can the proper guidance and help enterprises to carry out good information network applications, should be one of the important work of industry associations.
mode aspects
industry in e-commerce, Finnish ANILINKER e-commerce company to provide technical services to the establishment of the e-commerce platform to the Federation of machine provides a good reference and learning model for machine network as machinery industry portal has been the establishment of industry e-commerce platform as one of its development direction. From either a technical or business, the machine via the network and ANILINKER network companies have the possibility of cooperation.
3. Exchanges with counterparts in industry associations, such as the Finnish metal, engineering and electrical technology Federation, we feel, similar to the organizational structure of the Federation and I will. Finnish metal, engineering and electrical technology have direct the member and indirect Member, Federation member coverage and sales account for 90% of the same industry. The purpose of the work: to promote the competitiveness of the member units on the market. Through the information network system to promote the development of enterprises, help enterprises to open up channels for international cooperation, the Federation set up a special department Federation of the development and construction industry information network system, and provide a common and personalized information service for the member units.
of most of the industry associations have set up their own website, but in the industry and the integration of information resources in the region, the formation of industry information platform to provide effective information services for government and corporate real and fully market-oriented, but also there are gaps. Exchange with Finnish metal, engineering and electrical technology Federation, the delegation briefed each other on their respective organizations and work, as well as information about the network applications, the Federation of International business to promote the general manager Ms. Merja Lattila, expressed willingness to further joint Machinery Industry cooperation will enhance communication, information exchange, and to promote cooperation between enterprises of the two countries.
4. The visit was to visit the Ericsson company, its products and technological achievements in the wireless network applications noteworthy. Ericsson will launch next year, the latest products, mobile Internet (Mobile Internet), if the corresponding supporting software is reliable, the price is right, and may become a good supplement industry information network system application means.
through the investigation and exchange activities, so we have a better understanding of the status and operational experience of the development of the European information network system, the actual application, the related industries of European countries in research and promote the application of network information technology maturity model and experience play a very good reference for the further improvement and development of machinery industry in the future network information system. In the process of investigation and exchange, the delegation also introduced to the European counterparts on the institutional reform of the industrial sector of our government and the Federation of institutions, functions and role of the industry information network system construction aspects, enhance mutual understanding, the establishment of a future further communication and communication channels to establish a contact for further concrete cooperation. (Ministry of statistical information of the China Machinery Industry Federation

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