2013年1月4日 星期五

what's the difference between moidified sine wave and pure sine wave?

just found an intresting article from http://www.12vgridtiepowerinverters.com/

What is the difference between modified sine wave and pure sine wave?
A lot people are asking what's the difference for modifiied inverter & pure sine wave power inverter?
Now Power Jack tell you!
1. a.modfiied inverter is square wave, for most appliance is ok to use.
b.pure sine wave, is most close to your home power, sometimes is better & clean then you home ac source,
thats' special to use for some motor & radio & video, need offer pure power to make sure your video equipment is stable.
2. a. modified inverter, like korea or china car, it's ok to drive, but only half price than benz or BMW.
b. pure sine wave like BMW BENZ, it's more confortable, high quality, but price is 2times than modified.
