2013年1月24日 星期四

Welding machine of IGBT series welder

power inverter
inverter welding machine works
inverter welding machine inverter inverter welding power source, also known as arc welding inverter welding power source is a novel. -Frequency (50Hz) alternating current first into DC rectified and filtered by the rectifier, and then through the high-power switching electronics (SCR SCR transistor GTR FET MOSFET or IGBT) reverse into how many kHz ~ How many ten kHz IF AC,Grid tie inverter, via the transformer at the same time reduced to tens V voltage suitable for welding, and a stable DC welding current is again rectified and filtered output commensurate reactance.
transform order can briefly showed
-frequency exchange (rectifier filter) → DC (inverter) → IF AC (buck, rectifier, filter) → DC.
is AC → DC → AC → DC
Because the exchange of electricity in the inverter is decreased, because of its high frequency, the inductance large,http://www.gridtieinverter.de/, the active power in the welding circuit will be greatly decreased. So rectified again. This is the Inverter Welder common currently the mechanism.
The fundamental characteristics of the arc welding inverter characteristics of
power inverter is a high operating frequency, which bring all sorts of advantages. Since the transformer either the primary winding remains the secondary winding, its potential E and the frequency f of the current, the magnetic flux density B, the core cross-sectional area S and the number of winding turns W follows the associated E = 444fBSW
the winding terminal voltages U approximation that is E, i.e.
U ≈ E = 444fBSW

when U, B conclude, if the progress F, S decrease reduced, W, and therefore, the component with the volume of the transformer can be greatly reduced. Will be able to make the machine's components with volume significantly reduced. Frequency of progress and the remaining factors bring many strengths to be compared with conventional arc welding power source, the following important features
1 small size, light weight, thrifty information, carry, move convenience.
2 energy efficient, the effects of which can be reached from 80% to 90%, than traditional welding saving more than 1/3.
3 moving easily arc, arc solid, weld forming decency, small splash.
4 suitable for robot joint, composed of active welding produced system.
5 a machine used to achieve a variety of welding and cutting processes.
welding machine IGBT series welder works
power switch analogy
common power switch is a thyristor, IGBT, FET, etc.. Thyristor (SCR) of the lowest switching frequency is about 1000 times / sec, the ordinary is not practical for high frequency operation of the switch circuit.
effect transistor characteristics

FET raised strengths in its high switching frequency, the second can switch more than 50 million times above normal in 500V, pressure, temperature 150 ° C (die), and on-resistance pipe low loss switching devices of fantasy, especially suitable for high frequency circuit switching device applications.
However the FET operating current is small, and a high of approximately 20A low individual in 9A or so, limits the maximum current in the circuit, and the encapsulation situations because the FET, such that its pin creepage interval ( conductor to another conductor the nominal interval) smaller, easily breakdown in the environment under high pressure, the conductive pin between destruction machine or persecution personal insurance.
IGBT characteristics
IGBT bipolar insulation effect tube, symbol and equivalent circuit diagram is shown in Figure 111, the switching frequency between 20KHZ ~ 30KHZ. But it by a large current (100A), and outside the package pin pitch, creepage distances can resist the impact of environmental high pressure, safe reliable.
